Items filtered by date: February 2019

Wednesday, 20 February 2019 19:22

What is a Heloma Molle?

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A heloma molle is a soft callus or corn that commonly occurs at the fourth interdigital space, between the fourth and fifth digits. The callus may be located at other sites, depending on the anatomy and biomechanics of the individual. The callus may appear in the webbing of the interdigital space or on either side of the fourth and fifth toes at one of the “knuckles.” There are three small bones in the toes known as phalanxes. If the lesion forms at the joints of the fourth and fifth toes, it is thought that the head of the proximal phalanx of the 5thdigit is compressed against the base of the 4thproximal phalanx. A callus forming at the webbing of the interspace is most often associated with a short fifth metatarsal.

With heloma molles, patients often complain about pain at the site of the lesion that is aggravated by tight shoes, pressure, and ambulation. Heloma molle may be associated with other conditions such as bunions or a  fifth digit deformity. If ignored, a heloma molle may develop into something more serious such as an infection, sinus tract to the bone, even a bone infection.

The first line of treatment for a heloma molle include, padding that would separate the digits, local debdridement and possible keratolytics that would keep the callus down. Antimicrobrial topicals may be required if an infection is involved. Regular maintenance would be required to keep the callus from reforming. If the heloma molle persists and continues to cause pain, there are several surgical options aimed at relieving the pressure areas. One such procedure would be the removal of the proximal phalanx base of the fourth digit. Another surgery that would prevent reoccurrence is syndactilization of the digits after resection of the involved areas. Call your podiatrist today if you have questions or concerns about a heloma molle or calluses.

Please visit our website for more information or call 614-885-3338 (FEET) to schedule an appointment with us at our Columbus or Gahanna office

Tuesday, 05 February 2019 19:19

Shin Splints Explained

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Tibial stress syndrome, more commonly known as shin splints, is a common exercise-related problem. As we try to work out after a holiday season of indulgence, shin splints are something that may hinder people from keeping to their resolutions. Shin splints refers to nonspecific pain that occurs along the shin bone (tibia), usually on the inside of the leg. It is an overuse or repetitive-load injury which causes pain to the shin. Repetitive activities such as running, jogging or hiking may lead to an overload of the muscle and bone tissue causing pain.

Shin splints usually develop after sudden changes in physical activities such as: frequency, duration, intensity or distance. Other factors that contribute to shin splints include runners without enough shock absorption, having flat or rigid arches and exercising with inappropriate or worn out footwear. Shin pain usually occurs at the start of exercises but then diminishes throughout the activity. Pain that continues during rest may be indicative of a different problem, such as a tibial stress fracture.

Tibial stress syndrome is mostly a clinical diagnosis. There may be local tenderness along the border of the tibia or over the muscles on the inside your leg. X-rays may be ordered to rule out a fracture. First lines of treatment for shin splints include: ice, NSAIDs and stretching of the calf muscles. Activity modification such as a period of non-weight-bearing activities such as swimming may be necessary and recommended. Once the symptoms have been resolved a gradual return to activity with supportive shoes is optimal. Patients that have a reoccurring problem with shin splints may benefit from orthotics. Call your podiatrist today if you have questions or concerns about shin splints.

Please visit our website for more information or call 614-885-3338 (FEET) to schedule an appointment with us at our Columbus or Gahanna office

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